Author: Prompt Innovations | | Categories: Business Development , Career Opportunities , Marketing Agency


I’m Jesse Rodrigues, the proud owner of PROMPT INNOVATIONS. I look forward to sharing my story. I hope that you will enjoy getting to know me better.

Ever since I was young, I have always had an entrepreneurial mindset! My career journey began two and a half years ago, and I set up PROMPT INNOVATIONS in 2021.

Over the past years, we’ve absolutely utilized our networking web in order to grow at a much faster rate and duplicate all of the positives we have seen. The most rewarding part of my job is to be able to put others into business and see their professional careers, financial situations, and lives change for the better.

My philosophy is based on the belief that true leadership, discipline, a student mentality, a great attitude, and a work ethic are the stepping stones to extraordinary success.

Why I’ve Been Successful

As an individual, what sets me apart is I try to stay humble and let my actions speak for themselves. Integrity comes first in our office. We are family and team-oriented. Stay humble and let your actions speak for yourself.

I attribute my success to my work ethic, a great attitude, and having fun while I serve. Enjoy the journey more than you enjoy the destination is my motto.

Getting PROMPT INNOVATIONS off the ground and running has given me immense satisfaction.

During my downtime

When I am not at work, I love to travel with family and friends. I love to play soccer. I also like to enjoy my free time by going out and creating new memories and experiences.

If you or someone you know could benefit from my expertise, I invite you to get in touch. We offer business growth, leadership development, career opportunities, and more across New York. Please feel free to call me at (516) 550-7271 or email me at



